What is Ottamooli?

Ayurveda was the dominant medical therapy in India till last few decades. Indian Ayurvedic scholars had knowledge of the power of each plants to cure diseases. Each and every part of every plants are medicines in Ayurveda. Which include root, stem, leaf, flower, fruit, nut so on and so forth. 
Kerala in the southern part of India is one of the parts of the world where ayurveda still has its own important in treating disease. There are a lot of ayurvedic clinics and doctors in Kerala. 
Before the era of academically educated doctors, there were NADAN-VAIDYANs who ruled the position of doctors in Kerala villages. The NADAN-VAIDYANs  usually get the knowledge from their ancestors.  Apart from traditional medicines like ARISHTAM, ASAVAM, THAILAM, LEHYAM, KASHAYAM ... they used to treat their patients with OTTAMOOLIes. 
Ottamooli is the Malayalam word for a "Single Ingredient". In OTTAMOOLI treatment only a single (some times a few) ingredient which is available around home (small herbs, leaf of certain trees etc) or in kitchen (turmeric , pepper  etc). Hence the name OTTAMOOLI. 
The best part of OTTAMOOLI treatment is there is no side effects for OTTAMOOLI.
There are OTTAMOOLI practices for almost all type of common diseases. I am one of the youngest generation of a NADAN-VAIDYAN family. As I got a few OTTAMOOLI practices from my grant parents, here I am sharing them to the world.

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